We are always seeking creative and dedicated engineers and scientists! Prospective group members should have a strong interest in polymer science and a genuine commitment to an inclusive and respectful working environment.
Prospective doctoral students should alert Prof. Winey of their interest in joining the group. Importantly, prospective students may apply to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering or the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Postdoctoral candidates should contact Prof. Winey by email (winey@seas.upenn/edu) with a single pdf containing a cover letter, 1-page summary of research experience and interests, CV, and up to three publication p/reprints. Currently there are no open positions.

3rd Row (L to R): Allen Jiang, James Johnson, Awahan Sapkota, Yechan Kim, Lindsay Jones
2nd Row (L to R): Madeline Port, Emily Duan, Hoda Shokrollahzadeh Behbahani, Will Drayer
Front row (L to R): Solmi Oh, Maggie Brown, Aubry Hymel, Katie Sun, Prof. Karen Winey
Postdoctoral Researchers

Doctoral Students

Undergraduate Students